• Abhiraj Singh Chauhan


In this paper, we will attempt to explore the effect factor of science and technology on law and society, as well as the dimensions of new cyber security concerns, and we will also broaden our understanding of cyber law. Law is not a static concept; it evolves in response to the needs of society. The law governs the interactions of individuals as they relate to society as a whole. Furthermore, as time passes, science and technology undergo dynamic changes, resulting in a plethora of new benefits and drawbacks in the age of internet technology. As a result, most threats are founded on the popular assumption of nothing being secure in the current era. It is a broader idea that refers to required changes in the law that are also a pressing need of the hour. However, we are concerned here with concerns of skills and other information technology apparatus that alter the law's relationship with society. Law deals with the rules and regulations that are most capable of changing the relationships. We will address some of the reasons for the dwindling legal clarity in this subject, as well as the potential consequences of declining authority of cyber security. As a result, the law has been updated in order to ensure effective cooperation between society and the consequences of technology. In the context of modern technology, such as cyber, security is critical for the security of the state and related issues. Science and technology have come a long way in recent years. As a result, significant changes in the law governing cyberspace are possible. The most crucial point is that advances in technology have created a slew of issues for cyber security. The reason for this is because the legislation has been changed to meet the requirements of the hour. We can argue that the effect factor of science and technology on law and society is in the shape of a broader vision and the dimension of new cyber challenges; security is a major threat to society. As a result, the law has played a vital role in the prevention of every infraction in modern society. With the changing dimension of the form of law, the influence factor of information technology is extremely high. Finally, the study concludes with a decisive conclusion.
How to Cite
Abhiraj Singh Chauhan. (1). “IMPACT OF SCIENTIFIC ADVANCEMENTS ON LAW AND SOCIETY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CYBER ISSUES”. ACCENT JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS ECOLOGY & ENGINEERING ISSN: 2456-1037 IF:8.20, ELJIF: 6.194(10/2018), Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal, UGC APPROVED NO. 48767, 6(2), 139-145. Retrieved from https://ajeee.co.in/index.php/ajeee/article/view/1795