AJEEE is steered by a distinguished Board of Directors, Researchers and Academicians and is supported by an international review board consisting of prominent individuals representing many universities, colleges, and organizations. Due to the growing complexity of engineering tasks, more specialized and expensive equipment as well as software tools such as simulators, the application of high tech equipment also in SME's, the demands of globalization and division of labour, Engineering is required to solve all the above aspects. Also it is increasingly necessary to allow and organize a shared use of engineering knowledge & resources.
The scope of the AJEEE is to provide an academic medium to researchers and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Special category English and Linguistics , Humanities, engineering & technology. Original Practical/Theoretical work and application-based studies/reports, which contributes to a better understanding of engineering and technological challenges, are encouraged.
Domain Areas:
Manuscript can be submitted with respect to domain of Engineering,Science,Art,Technology.
Some of the domain area are
- Language
- English Literature / Linguistics
- Engineering -Technology
- Science
- Language
- English Literature
- Humanities
- Social Science
- Economics
- Ecology
- Fish Science
- Electronic Engineering -Technology
- Medical, Pharmacy and Clinical work