Contract Labour is not new to India. In the early stages of industrialization, the recruitment of labour was primarily through intermediates due to lack of mobility, low status of labourers, caste, religion and language. Theses obstacles were overcome by appointing middlemen, also called contractors. After independence, the Indian government formulated several laws and appointed many committees to study the socio – economic conditions of labour. But after globalization, the contract labour system has been the growing form of employment prevalent in almost all industries. Its preview has shifted from agriculture and manufacturing sectors to service sector. To become competitive in the global market, companies use flexible labour force like contract labour. The contract labour system generally refers to labour engaged through an intermediary employer, the contractor (including the sub – contractor) and the labourers. The labourers are millions in number and generally belong to the unorganized sector. They have little bargaining power, no social security and are often engaged in hazardous occupations endangering their health and safety. They are often denied minimum wages and have little or no security of employment. This pattern of employment has serious consequences in the service industry as a whole, especially in the high performing power generation industry. Keywords: Contract Labour, Industrialization, unorganized sector, Form of Employment.
How to Cite
Chhaya Ishwardas Chouliwar, Dr. Vinod Khapne. (1). CONTRACT LABOUR. ACCENT JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS ECOLOGY & ENGINEERING (Special for English Literature & Humanities) ISSN: 2456-1037 IF:8.20, ELJIF: 6.194(10/2018), Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal, UGC APPROVED NO. 48767, 10(1), 07-09. Retrieved from