• Yashesh Ahirwar, Dr. Abhishek Soni


The paper deals with case study for improving production efficiency of one off Air Coolers manufacturers, which have been providing quality sheet metal Air Coolers to the customers, but still it suffers from lack of effective Plant layout, and has improper sequencing of processes. Thus there is wide scope of improvement for enhancing the productivity. Hence to remove the flaws the study of processes is done that are involved in manufacturing and assembly of parts of coolers. The need of the project is streamlining of processes and proposing the changes in the present process to standardize operations and design. The project deals with the study of steps involved in manufacturing of each part, which helps to get design of parts and designing Process Flow Diagram. From the Process Flow Diagram, Standard Operating Procedure can be obtained. The operators are performing the operations according to their estimation, but now the SOP will help them to follow the particular sequence of steps. Various parameters and machines used are studied. The study helps to identify manual and machinery operations. The work involve the use of AUTOCAD software of two dimensional drawings of parts. The study deals with designing the present plant layout and obtaining the new plant layout by the proposing changes to improve productivity. The present plant layout needed to be changed because it causes blocking of operation. Operation are not able to perform various operations simultaneously. Also, the process has become complex and timing consuming. The modified plant layout gives proper sequence of process. According to the study the four different variants of coolers available and founded their dimensions. Identification that there is no standardization for the process has been made. The operators are unable to keep the dimensions content in all the parts for the different coolers of the same model. Moreover, for different model the dimensions of all the parts varies with the other models. Observations that within different models only the size of fan and so the size of front called a circle should vary, keeping the dimensions of all the other parts as constant within all the models has been made. This can reduce the unnecessary utilization of sheet metal and thus saves time and enhance the productivity. Based on all the observations changes were proposed to improve productivity. The AS-IS and TO-BE Analysis is performed, which includes transformation of processes as it is performed today towards a new process that addresses problems with AS-IS analysis. Keywords: Time study, AutoCad, plant layout.
How to Cite
Yashesh Ahirwar, Dr. Abhishek Soni. (1). IMPROVEMENT OF ASSEMBLY LINE EFFICIENCY AND MATERIAL HANDLING. ACCENT JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS ECOLOGY & ENGINEERING (Special for English Literature & Humanities) ISSN: 2456-1037 IF:8.20, ELJIF: 6.194(10/2018), Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal, UGC APPROVED NO. 48767, 9(11), 08-14. Retrieved from