• Dr. Pankaj Shrivastava


1. INTRODUCTION The First Place to start retirement planning is by saving and investing money through one or all of the available options through employment and personal investments many employees offer retirement planning options such as pension plans, mutual funds and risk free investments in different companies and Govt. organizations such as banks , post offices etc. Saving Money to Fund a comfortable retirement is perhaps the biggest reason people invest As such findings The Right balance between risk and investment return is key to a successful retirement savings strategy. Here are few Investment options for the Retired to Provide for Their Monthly House Hold Expenses:- 1. Senior Citizens Saving Scheme (SCSS) 2. Post Office Monthly Income scheme (POMIS) 3. Bank Fixed Deposits (FD’S) 4. Mutual Funds 5. Tax free Bonds 6. Immediate Annuities.
How to Cite
Dr. Pankaj Shrivastava. (1). INVESTMENT POLICY AFTER RETIREMENT. ACCENT JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS ECOLOGY & ENGINEERING ISSN: 2456-1037 IF:8.20, ELJIF: 6.194(10/2018), Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal, UGC APPROVED NO. 48767, 4(4). Retrieved from